
Mark Danaher

Mark Danaher, LPC, BCC, CCC, CCSP, is the founder of Mark Danaher Training and Coaching (www.markdanaher.com) and Retire to the Good Life (www.retiretothegoodlife.com). He helps successful business leaders build career resilience to prevent burnout and to thrive in their careers and lives. Mark has been a career counselor and coach for over 25 years, working with students and clients ranging from high school age through retirement. Mark works in a high school during the day as a career counselor. Through his private practice, Mark presents workshops and training for career professionals, universities, businesses, and organizations throughout the United States. His commitment is to help people find the work and life they love and deserve. He has a passion for helping people reinvent themselves to be ready for their next adventure. 

Mark has served as President of the National Career Development Association (NCDA) and the Connecticut Career Counseling and Development Association. He is an FCD and SCDA Master Trainer and Instructor.


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