OPA Resource Center - Presentation Info

Last Update: 10/12/2016

Would you like to give a presentation in your community? 

The Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA), through the Public & Professional Relations Committee, established and maintains an online, educational resource center for member use. In the Resource Center, you will find various presentations and handouts to help assist you with community outreach or education on various topics.  The presentations are geared toward a variety of audiences, so you are welcome to edit the materials to best address your audience. Some of the materials include but are not limited to the items listed below. Contact the office at 614.389.3236 or opa@ohiopharmacists.org, regarding additional presentation materials on the following topics:  Drug Abuse, Immunizations, and Medication Safety.


Patient Education Resources 

PowerPoint Presentations and Resource Materials

 Generation Rx Initiative: information and links

  • Generation Rx Initiative provides medication safety and prescription drug abuse prevention resources for schools, colleges and communities to help combat Rx drug abuse. 
  • Generation Rx can be accessed at Generation Rx Initiative - This web site provides medication safety resources and information.

A.S.K. Ohio Patient Compliance Campaign

  • Answers * Service * Knowledge is a comprehensive program dedicated to help increase communication between patients and pharmacists, by encouraging patients to ASK questions encouraging proper medication use.
  • Resources includes PowerPoint presentations, handouts, brochures, posters, press releases, etc.
  • A.S.K. Ohio Patient Compliance Campaign

Brown Bag Program

These resources encourage consumers, especially seniors, to gather up all their prescription and OTC medicines and take them to a pharmacist for review.


These posters arefor display educating the public about the profession of pharmacy and providing them with questions to ask the pharmacist are available for download and printing.  

 FAQs For Falls Prevention