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Requesting an NPI Number

Requesting an NPI Number

Before you can establish yourself as a Medicaid provider, you first need to request an NPI number at

You will click on ‘Create or Manage An Account’. From here, you will want to click ‘Apply for an NPI for myself’. This will then walk you through a series of questions. Below are a few things you will want to have ready when completing the application:

  • Formal business name, practice location, mailing address, business phone number, business fax number
  • Business tax identification code
  • Pharmacist taxonomy code indicating your specialization, if any
    • There is a search engine to find your appropriate taxonomy code. Search “pharmacist” and you will see a general pharmacist option along with various board certifications

Once you have completed all portions of the application, you should see green check marks for all sections.

NPI Completed Application

To complete the application, attest that all of the application is correct and complete.

NPI Attestation

Once you submit the application, you will be returned to the home screen, where you can verify that your application is pending.

NPI Pending Application

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