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LEGISLATIVE ALERT: OAPA Gives Proponent Testimony on PA Licensure Compact (SB 28)


House Committee Hearing 4 16 24

Watch Government Affairs Committee Chair Josanne Pagel's testimony at the April 16, 2024, House Health Provider Services Committee hearing.


As members of the Ohio Association of Physician Assistants, we have a salient opportunity to advocate for the passage of Senate Bill 28 (SB 28) which received its second hearing in the House Health Provider Services Committee on April 16. The bill has already passed the Ohio Senate and is working its way through the House.

SB 28, the Physician Assistant Licensure Compact bill, is vital in addressing healthcare provider shortages and improving access to quality care for Ohioans.

OAPA President Matthew Freado and OAPA Government Affairs Committee Chair Josanne Pagel attended the hearing, with Chair Pagel providing this valuable proponent testimony. Also supporting the bill was a representative from the U.S. Department of Defense, with testimony amplifying the importance of interstate PA practice and portable careers for military families.

Would you like to help achieve a legislative victory for PAs in Ohio?

Please make a big impact in less than one minute of your time by filling out this pre-written email to encourage Ohio House legislators to pass SB 28.

Support from PAs like you is crucial to ensure that SB 28 successfully moves through the legislative process. By joining our efforts, we can make a tangible impact on healthcare policy in Ohio. Thank you for your participation!



To further help us advance PA practice through government advocacy, please support the OAPA Legislative Fund!

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