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Award Nominations Due by February 27, 2004

It is time to consider nominations for Fellows of the Rhetoric Society of America and for the George E. Yoos Distinguished Servcie Award. Descriptions of these awards, and directions for nominations, follow.

Fellows of the Rhetoric Society of America are named by the Board of Directors in recognition of sustained and distinguished scholarship, teaching, and service to the field of rhetoric studies. In addition, recipients of the George E. Yoos Distinguished Service Award are, by virtue of the award, Fellows of the Rhetoric Society of America. Persons designated as Fellows of the Society remain so in perpetuity. The Fellows of the Society have no formal duties, but may from time to time be called upon by the officers and the Board for counsel and assistance. The Fellows of the Society may also, at their own discretion and initiative, deliberate on issues of concern to the field and make recommendations to the Board and officers.

The George E. Yoos Distinguished Service Award is presented biennially to a member of the Society who has made significant and sustained contributions to RSA and to the field. The award is named in honor of George Yoos, a founding member of RSA, who served as founding editor of the Rhetoric Society Quarterly from 1975-1986 and as Executive Secretary from 1986-1995.

Nominations for Fellows and for the Yoos Award should include (1) a letter describing the specific contributions of a nominee that explains why this person merits the award, and (2) a copy of the nominee's CV. For awards to be given at the 2004 convention, nominations should be submitted by February 27, 2004. Nominations should be sent to:

Susan Wells
English Department
Temple University
Anderson Hall, 10th Floor (022-29)
1114 W. Berks St.
Philadelphia, PA 19122-6090

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