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Lexipol Presents "Highway Safety and Survival for First Responders" Webinar

Each year, hundreds of emergency responders die or are seriously hurt while operating at incidents on highways. These deaths and injuries affect firefighters, law enforcement officers and EMS personnel—and they are often preventable. While we can’t change the fact that many drivers are distracted and driving too fast, we can change how we operate to increase our chances of survival. 

Join Lexipol and the Emergency Responder Safety Institute to explore why first responders get hurt and killed while operating at highway incidents, and practical strategies law enforcement officers and firefighters can use to mitigate the dangers. You’ll learn: 

  • Root causes of first responder injuries that occur while operating at highway incidents
  • Command disputes/communication issues that sometimes take place at the scene and how to avoid them. 
  • Importance of high-visibility PPE and related policy
  • Basics of advance warning signs and devices 
  • Basics of blocking procedures 

Presented by: 
Steve Austin, Fire Police Officer and ERSI Project Manager
Jack Sullivan, ERSI Director of Training
Billy Goldfeder, Deputy Chief, Loveland-Symmes (OH) FD and Lexipol consultant
Capt. Tom Martin – Virginia State Police (Ret.), ERSI Senior Law Enforcement Advisor 

Register Today!
Registration is free.Can't make it? Register anyway and Lexipol will send you recording after the event. 

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