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As a group-experience or group-retrospective rating program sponsor for the July 1, 2015 rating year, your organization is required to fulfill safety education and communication requirements under OAC 4123-17-68. The rule is attached for your information.

OAC 4123-17-68 requires sponsoring organizations to fulfill the following obligations between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016:

  • Publish the ‘Safety Accountability Letter’ in the first quarter of the rating year. The 2015-16 ‘Safety Accountability Letter’ is attached for your use.
  • Sponsor or promote a minimum of eight hours of safety training .
    1. Document the number in attendance at safety training.
  • Communicate the two-hour training requirement to employers who’ve experienced a claim in the “green” period. BWC provides the attached Guidelines for Group-Rating Training as a resource.
    1. Document and report to BWC a list of members who fail to meet this training requirement by July 31, 2016.
  • Provide information regarding safety resources to your members.
  • Submit a Group Rating Safety Requirements Annual Report (SH-2) following the conclusion of the rating year outlining how group rating safety requirements have been met.  The FY16 SH-2 deadline isthe last business day in August, 2016. The SH-2 is attached for your use.

A BWC safety professional is assigned to each sponsoring organization to provide assistance with implementing the provisions of this rule. A list of BWC staff with contact information is attached.

  • Your BWC representative should be added to your group rating distribution list so he/she is aware of your safety communication and training promotion.

Finally, BWC requires sponsoring organizations to attend an annual safety training. Training dates will be communicated when scheduled.

Questions regarding the BWC Group Rating safety program requirements may be directed to your assigned BWC representative or to


BWC FY-CY1 Guidelines for Group-Rating Training
BWC Assignments
MCT-Approved Group Rating Safety Accountability Letter

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