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RSA Member Receives ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowship for 2014

RSA is pleased to share that K. J. Rawson, Assistant Professor of English at the College of the Holy Cross, is recipient of an ACLS Digital Innovation Fellowship for 2014. Dr. Rawson's proposal, Building the Digital Transgender Archive, is described as follows:

Many archives collect transgender-related historical materials; however, these materials are notoriously difficult to access since transgender materials are rarely described as such, very little information about these collections is digitized, archives that collect these materials are largely disconnected, and archives employ varying organizational systems. Building the Digital Transgender Archive will dramatically improve access to transgender history by creating a website that functions as a centralized hub for transgender historical materials. The Digital Transgender Archive will feature a searchable database of metadata and select digital content contributed by a number of archives in the U.S. and Canada. To virtually merge these disparate archival collections, the DTA will provide a flexible database that will accommodate a range of metadata, will have highly adaptable search features, and will be searchable and indexable through web search engines. With its promise of opening up research opportunities, fresh research pathways, and inter-archive collaboration, this type of metadata aggregation and centralized digital archiving could be widely replicated with many other themes and topics.

Congratulations K.J.!

RSA members are eligible for the many fellowships offered through the ACLS. For a listing of ACLS Fellowships and relevant descriptions and deadlines, please consult its website: For an overview of all ACLS fellowship recipients, please refer to the its website:

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