Complete Story

RSA 2012 Conference Program - Updated March 18

Greetings everyone,

The 2012 RSA Conference will soon be here! An updated version of the conference program is now posted on the RSA web site, with the names of all panelists listed. The link is at the bottom of this message.


(1) DAY/TIME: Search the updated program to see when you are presenting a paper or chairing a session.

(2) SPEAKING TIME: Professional courtesy dictates that we stick to the following time limits so as to assure time for all speakers and discussion.

•  If you are on a 3-paper panel, then you each have 20 min.

•  If you are on a 4-paper panel, then you each have 15 minutes.

•  If you are on a roundtable, please confer with fellow participants and adjust your time accordingly, leaving plenty of time for audience discussion.

(2) AV REQUESTS: RSA's AV budget is, to be frank, limited. For now, I've tried to put as many people as possible who requested AV into "smart" rooms, and these rooms are designated by an * in the program. But these designations are currently tentative. In April, I will be able to confirm which rooms are indeed "smart."

(3) CHAIRS: Those participants designated as chairs will serve two functions: (1) making introductions of people and paper titles and (2) time-keeping so that speakers do not go over their allotted time. The latter is especially important for panels with 4 speakers (and many accepted panels were submitted with 4 speakers on them).

OK, that's it for now. Check the followling linkt to viewthe online program, RSA Program Schedule 03 18 2012.  

See you in Philadelphia!


Kris Ratcliffe

Professor and Chair
President, Rhetoric Society of America
Department of English
Marquette University
Milwaukee, WI 53201

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