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Remember to register for RSA 2018 Conference in MSP!

If you haven't registered for the 2018 RSA Conference in Minneapolis, this week would be a terrific time to do so. The earliest pre-conference events begin on May 30 and concurrent panels are scheduled to begin at 12:30 PM on Thursday, May 31. As you are planning your travel, I encourage you to arrive Thursday morning so that you can attend panels that afternoon and participate in our off-site event at the University of Minnesota, Thursday evening. CLICK HERE to complete your registration!


In collaboration with the departments of Writing Studies and Communication Studies, along with support from the American Society for the History of Rhetoric, RSA has organized two events on the campus of the University of Minnesota. Starting at approximately 5:30 PM, our Minnesota rhetoric colleagues will host a reception at the Weisman Art Museum ( There, we will enjoy some refreshments and fantastic art in a building designed by Frank Gehry. 


At around 7:00 PM, we will walk next door to the Great Hall in the Coffman Memorial Union for a special panel on immigration, religion, diversity, and Minnesota state politics. We will be joined by members of the People of Color and Indigenous Caucus: State Representatives Fue Lee, Erin Maye Quade, Rena Moran, Mary Kunesh-Podein, and Ilhan Omar. Time Magazine recently featured Representative Ilhan Omar as the first Somali-American Muslim person to become a legislator. The panel in the Coffman Union will be open to the public, providing an opportunity to meet and chat with folks who live in the Twin Cities.  


These two events should be terrific, and I want to thank Dr. John Logie (University of Minnesota) and Dr. Aric Putnam (St. John's University - College of St. Benedict) for their work in organizing these opportunities for us. 


We need to know if you are plan to attend the events on Thursday evening so that we can plan accordingly. As you register for the conference, please indicate whether or not you can make it. If you have already registered for the conference and want to join us, send an email to indicating that desire.


Finally, be sure to reserve your rooms at the Downtown Hilton Hotel. The block of rooms is still fairly open, but they will start to fill very soon. Please CLICK HERE to make your room reservation.


We look forward to seeing all of you in Minneapolis.





2018 RSA Conference

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