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028. Cultivating Leadership Excellence: Collaboration, Communication, Change and Commitment (afternoon)

Instructor: Gail Alofsin

Level of Complexity: Foundational
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

From the front lines to the C-Suite, “leadership” is a skill that you develop through the decisions and choices you make and influence every day, no matter what your position is in your company.  Credibility, trust, communication, and attitude are traits that you can personally develop at every level of your career. Where are you on your leadership ladder versus where you want to be?

Being able to explain situations and convince others is an essential skill in management and life in general! Your business depends on how your clients feel about you; your relationships are built on the perception of others have of you. This workshop will focus on the importance of internal and external leadership communication and the foundations that lead to effective execution.

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Facing the Forces of Change: Reimagining Distribution in a Connected World

Guy Bissett

UID Book Store Covers

Facing the Forces of Change® is the only major research study analyzing the future of wholesale distribution within multiple lines of trade. Since its inception in 1982, the landmark Facing the Forces of Change® series continues to provide insights about the overall future of wholesale distribution and the role of wholesaler-distributors. 

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