
VISTAS Welcomes Writers

VISTAS is now linked under Interest Areas on the NCDA website (see the Publications sections for each of the Interests Areas). For more details about VISTAS, and how you can contribute, continue reading below.


VISTAS has served the counseling community for a decade! VISTAS, a quarterly, digital, peer-reviewed, publication—sponsored by the American Counseling Association—is characterized by growth and change in support of counseling scholarship. We welcome both established and new writers with a promise to support your writing through thoughtful review, feedback, and light editing.


VISTAS articles can be accessed through the ACA Knowledge Center VISTAS page http://www.counseling.org/knowledge-center/vistas


We welcome papers based on your conference presentation; however, if you have a program or practice that has been validated through research, or experience, and want to share your knowledge and resources with other counseling professionals, we encourage you to submit non-conference-related papers as well.


Guidelines for submitting papers can be found at http://counselingoutfitters.com/outfitters/VISTAS_Authors.htm


VISTAS’ new quarterly submission schedule has proved to be flexible, fast, and effective for authors and readers.  VISTAS 2013 had an excellent turnout and we are pleased by the efficient and timely publishing process. 


The *Winter 2014* deadline for submitting papers to VISTAS 2014 is Tuesday, October 1, 2013.


The deadline for the second review period for 2014 will be Friday, January 3, 2014.


If a paper is accepted during the October review period and requires very little editing, it will be released for publication Winter 2014!


Important note: The lead author must be an ACA member!  Please see the full guidelines on our author-resource web site at:



If you have questions about VISTAS submission procedures, please contact Jillian Joncas at vistasonline@comcast.net




Garry R. Walz, PhD, NCC

Counseling Outfitters, LLC Co-Director

Editor, VISTAS


Jeanne C. Bleuer, PhD, NCC

Counseling Outfitters, LLC Co-Director

Editor, VISTAS