
Conferences & Events in States on the NCDA Calendar

View the Calendar on the Home Page

State CDAs are encouraged to submit events for inclusion in the NCDA Calendar on the home page of the website.

Please submit the following to webeditor@ncda.org as soon as the state event details are set:

  1. Name of event (including subtitles; e.g., “Minnesota CDA Fall Event: Generational Differences”)
  2. Dates / Times
  3. Location
  4. Link for more info
  5. Optional: description – a short, text-only paragraph is fine, especially if there is something specific to highlight (e.g. if your keynote speaker is the NCDA President); do not attach a pdf or other document; most often the event name is self-explanatory and the link will provide the best info so this description is not necessary.


If the CDA is a chartered state, NCDA will include the event on the Home Page calendar.  Members will be reminded to visit this calendar via an announcement in the monthly e-bulletin sent during the second week of the month. Click on View All Events, to see a list of Related Career Conferences (in addition to state and NCDA events).